Detailed and authoritative post about one particular industry which has now been crippled by Brexit.

 This is a detailed and authoritative post about one particular industry (Music 🎹🎻🎵) which has now been crippled by Brexit.

The underlying reason is that our Government vandalised our trading arrangements without allowing proper time for
- consultation
- impact assessment
- clear guidance
- education
- preparation by businesses.
The music industry had 24-31 December for informed preparation when they should have had at least a year.
Over and above the fact of Brexit itself, the incompetent implementation has massively damaged the music industry (read the full post if you doubt this) and the same lack of consultation etc applies in every other industry sector.
If you wanted Brexit, presumably you didn’t want the Brexitshambles we now have? Did you?
If you didn’t want Brexit, I’m sure that you didn’t want the Brexitshambles we now have.
And the same combination of totally unfounded belief in their ability together with arrogantly defended incompetence is what has directly led to so many thousands of unnecessary deaths.
This Government must resign en masse and make way for an honest and competent replacement.


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