#NotMyShitshow - response to the Brexiteer claim that the Brexit mess is the fault of Remainers

There has been some attempt to blame Remain supporters for the acknowledged Brexit mess.
What was needed - if Brexit was going to be a credible movement: - those who wanted Brexit get together, preferably before the 2016 referendum, but in the absence of that afterwards, and agree what sort of Brexit they wanted - establish a consensus for it (they had a popular majority and MPs who were prepared to hold their noses and implement some Brexit for the sake of the narrow referendum majority) - put together a plan, - and implement the plan. If this had been done then I expect we would have left in 2019 with a Customs Union and Single Market solution, but we would have left with something. Brexit has failed because *those who were in favour of Brexit did not agree what they wanted* It failed because it was an argument in the Tory Party that got out of hand. Those who started the fire could not put it out, or did not want to, and did not care what damage it caused. It was destructive, not constructive, That destruction is a success for the architects, Cummings and Johnson, because it has given them power, but a disaster for those suffering the collateral damage, i.e. ordinary UK citizens, however they voted. * those who were in favour of Brexit* . Get it? Not those who thought it was batshit crazy. You can try asking for their support when you have a plan that fills more than the back of a fag packet. It's not the job of the Opposition to form the Government. Of course as the saga of incompetence unfolded then doubts rightly rose in the minds of MPs. But, Leave Leaders if any, you can't expect blind faith, you can't demand unquestioning loyalty as you barge into the fog with your eyes closed. The failure for Leave to understand page 1 of Project Management for Beginners was evident early on - see my summary in Quora February 2019 https://www.quora.com/1-trillion-is-leaving-the-UK-because-of-Brexit-Why-are-Theresa-May-and-the-conservative-party-living-in-cloud-cuckoo-land-with-their-hard-right-fantasies-while-Corbyn-and-the-labour-party-do-nothing Just as extra flavouring, if Gove ignores my warnings about the Irish Sea from December 2019 (there was a letter in response from DexeU just before they turned the lights out, so this did reach Government, ) and then complains about the mess the protocol he is (because he ignored my warnings), then this is his shitshow, not mine. https://viewdelta.blogspot.com/2020/05/re-need-to-consider-seriously-how-to.html #NotMyShitShow


  1. Acceptometer post now live http://brexitrage.com/lies


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