It's time to stop being victims of lies and to use opponents' lies to advantage

For too long we have allowed liars to win. There is a better way. People have found this “better way” to be empowering. Read on.
The lies show what truth the liars are very afraid of. The fact that they lie shows how powerful that truth is. This assists us to construct hypotheses that our opponents seem to believe. The lies are an indication of the truth that the liars fear.
Examples of such hypotheses:
1. Very many of the British people do not want Brexit.
2. James Cleverley knows that Keir Starmer speaks convincingly about Labour’s Brexit policy.
3. Boris Johnson is very worried about the report on Russian interference in the 2016 referendum becoming public before the General Election.
4. The Leave campaigners who spoke about trade deals in 2016 knew that those Trade Deals would be very difficult.
To start with number 4: if Gove, Davis etc had believed in a real Brexit then they would have campaigned for a real Brexit. So we can tell from the lies that they had other motives. The most hilarious justification was Nadhim Zahawi saying on BBC Radio that the predictions were correct and the fault lay with reality.
On number 3, the suppression of the Russian 2016 interference report, the lies have been exposed by Dominic Grieve, and the conclusion (that Boris Johnson is afraid of the facts about his Russian backers coming out) is reasonably obvious. See my song “Somewhere the Dirt”.
(search #BrexitsAMusicalTrick).
Number 2 (Keir Starmer) is interesting. Please note that I’m not reposting the doctored video, which is what the liars want. You can see the doctored video and the original halfway through yesterday’s Brexitcast if you want.
James Cleverley said that the video was “shortened”. Substantive Lie. The doctored video showed Keir Starmer being asked a question and being silent in response. That didn’t happen. It also doesn’t justify a lie to say that you’ve also posted the truth (the full interview) elsewhere as JC said.
Piers Morgan kept trying to get JC to admit the lie. Of course the videoclip is a lie and the claim that the edits are just shortening the videoclip is another lie.
But why the lies?
Piers Morgan challenged JC, saying that the full video was evidence enough (of JC’s claim that KS didn’t have a good answer). Hence the hypothesis - and I stress that it’s a hypothesis - that the Tories fear that Keir Starmer is speaking good sense on Brexit.
The question I would like to ask JC is “Since your Party lied with the video, and you have just lied in saying that the edit was just a ‘shortening’, what is it about Keir Starmer’s explanation of their Brexit policy that you are very afraid of?”
Now number 1. The blatant lie is “Everyone wants to get Brexit done”. Virtually all of the Government are on message with this one.(One exception - a Christian junior minister who spoke to me had modified the message to be “I think we just need to get Brexit done”, so she will potentially be in trouble for not repeating the lie exactly). The lie is widespread and often repeated, and I spoke last night to someone who had felt oppressed and unable to speak for fear of offending this “everyone”. But the polls say that this is a blatant lie, and I was one of a million who marched to show this. I posted this song (below) to satirise this, which is one way I seek to fight back against the lies, and the song has 30 shares and 398 comments, but with it I had posted a note which essentially asked if any Leave supporter could justify the lie. None of the 398 comments addressed this. So I think what this tells us is “The Tories recognise that British people do not want to get Brexit done”.
So my conclusion is:
Don’t get angry about the lies.
Don’t repeat the lies as posted - especially, don’t repost images or videos Don’t bother arguing about whether these are lies or not. Mostly they’re blatant lies, and the liars want arguments about the substance.
Get even (or ahead). Use the fact of the lying to expose the weaknesses in the liars’ arguments.
And enjoy making fun of the dishonesty. (Buy my book - and I’m still “on message” for this post, because like the song below the books expose blatant lies.
Please buy the book, "Brexit's a Trick not a Treat?"
- review it on Amazon,
- tell your friends,
- get Leaver friends to look at it,
- see if you can laugh together about any of the cock-ups,
- invite me to speak at an event,
- record a song,
- stage the forthcoming musical “Brexit’s a Musical Trick”,
- sell the books for charity - ask me.
It’s only funny because of the dishonesty and deceit - if the Government was being honest and diligent my books wouldn’t exist - there’s no comedy value in diligence, due process, competence and honesty).
All the related content can be found with these hashtags #BrexitsATrickNotATreat “Brexit’s a Trick not a Treat?”
(coming later in November).
(NOTE: there are no links in this post . It would be great if you would Like and Share this post; when links are included then people can by mistake end up just sharing the link).
Sometimes people feel that these songs show some favour to the Remain. To provide some balance, here is some support for the Government position.
Tune: “I’d like to teach the world to sing”, although the parody version below has more verses.
For simplicity we have kept the same structure for each verse, with some optional "verse afterthought lines such as "That's the line I take". The New Seekers varied the verse form a little part way through, but if you are singing this version, sing the same tune for each verse )
They’d like us to get Brexit done;
It doesn’t matter how.
They’d back our plan if we had one.
They’d like it finished now.
I’m glad we found they all want this;
Ignore the latest polls.
In fact please give all polls a miss
If they don’t match our goals.
I’m glad it is the People’s Wish -
I’m sure that’s what they mean.
And never mind the farms and fish;
We’ll leave on Halloween.
(That’s the line I take).
A million seemed a bit unsure ??
In London had a trek.?
I guess they’re not sure we”ll endure,
And came here just to check.
La- la -la- la-la
Euro elections favoured Leave,
Except where that’s not true.
Though those #DeniedMyVote did grieve.
Don’t worry - that’s not you.
And here’s the thing that you should say,
Before you go to bed.
“I do believe in Brexit, - hey!”
Else unicorns are dead
(yes they all are dead).
They’re happy if we base our plans
It will be backed by all our fans,
Like on that “This Week” show.
(When the Leave bombed so)
I’d like to teach MPs to vote
In perfect harmony.
You want to see what else I wrote?
Not in this company.
And Benn wrote letter we must send,
Which we don’t think he meant.
My signature’s not at the end -
And see what else I’ve sent.
So let us leave the EU when
This month hits thirty-one
You will not hear of Brexit then,
As Brexit will be done.
In sunlit uplands we’ll succeed,
With nothing more to do.
We’ll have achieved our greatest need;
We will have left EU
As usual - you won't find this song in the published "Brexit's a Trick Not a Treat", because I recently wrote the song, but you'll find 60 others in the first book "Brexit's a Trick Not a Treat"
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