Traffic lights and unicorns

Once upon a time some people started to make a fuss about traffic lights. Plenty of people thought traffic lights were ok and actually helped people to get around smoothly and safely. But there were some who said “We never voted for traffic lights. Plus, when they first came in, it was just red, amber, green; now we have green right filters, green left filters, pedestrian crossings, timers, buttons for pedestrians to push - it’s never-ending. We even hear that there’s going to be a traffic-light army”. "We don't want to controlled by unelected red lights" Those who wanted to Remain with traffic lights felt that they could make gradual improvements to traffic light systems where necessary, but that there was no need to scrap them all. But their opponents told people that the traffic had flowed much better before there had been so many traffic lights. They also said we could save a lot of money if we didn’t need the electricity for the lights, and lies about how m...