To: the Rt Hon Boris Johnson Copy: Iain Stewart, MP, Milton Keynes South Dear Boris Johnson Can I commend you on the widely-reported intent to “reset” if that is indeed your intent. I would like to applaud this possible future direction, but allow me first to recognise the dark place that we need to move forward from. Lord Evans’s speech on standard in public life very clearly explains that winning an election should not be considered to be a mandate that then allows procurement to cronies. politicised appointments and breaches of the Ministerial code. The decline in public standards and ethics that we have seen in 2020 is not justified simply because the current Government has a large majority. He said “ I am not a member of any political party but very concerned at the erosion of democracy and honesty. I fear for my children and their children having to live with the consequences of the lack of public accountability”. “These members of the public are co...