Should the government be accountable for its coronavirus plans?
Let me try hard in this to say things that hopefully will be significant, and indeed thought-provoking, but that I hope people would not disagree with.. Just try reading these 8 headlines. If you agree with the headlines, then is that consistent with what you are posting or re-posting? 1, THIS TOPIC MATTERS At least 26,000 people have died and many more will die. If there are better ways to handle the crisis then it is valid to consider them. 2. GOVERNMENT HAS A DUTY The first duty of a Government is the safety and security of its citizens - it's not the duty of the citizens to look after the Government and keep it free from criticism. 3 THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A COUNTRY OF FREE SPEECH. Banning some reputable journalists, or all journalists, has no place in a democracy. Other countries without free speech are available if that's what you are looking for. 4. DEBATE THE TOPIC, NOT THE PERSON. "You're just saying that because you are" - pro-Tory, anti-...